Friday, October 16, 2009

Tickets for Tweets, Part Deaux...Voodoo!

A couple of weeks ago we decides that we wanted to have a contest where we traded tickets to our Dr. Dog show for Twitter followers, and the Tickets for Tweets contest was born. We gained many new followers from this, and our new friend Semmes Welmsley came away with the prize!

Now we want to do it again, but this time we have upped the stakes. This time...are you ready for it...I can hardly believe it myself....(drum roll please)....we are giving away a 3-DAY PASS TO THE VOODOO MUSIC EXPERIENCE!!! But wait...that's not all. The winner will also receive FREE ENTRY TO ALL THREE NIGHTS OF OUR "VOODOO AT NIGHT" CONCERT SERIES!!!

Is that cool or what?

So just in case I wasn't clear enough, you get to the entire weekend of Voodoo and the entire weekend of after-festival shows at the Howlin Wolf FOR FREAKIN' FREE!! And all you have to do is get people to follow us on Twitter.

Here's how it works. You get your Twitter followers to follow us (@howlinwolfnola), and have them post the line, "I just followed @howlinwolfnola so @(yourtwitternamehere) can have a Voodoo Experience for free."

That's it.

Just remember:
1. They must be NEW followers for us.
2. They MUST post the quote to their status (otherwise you don't get credit).

You can see the full lineup of the Voodoo Music Experience 2009 here.

This year's Voodoo at Night lineup at the Howlin Wolf will feature:
Oct 30
Voodoo at Night presents the Rebirth Brass Band with Big Sam's Funky Nation
Oct 31
Voodoo at Night presents Krewe of M.O.M.'s Halloween Ball with Ivan Neville's Dumpstaphunk with Johnny Sketch & the Dirty Notes plus Derrick Freeman's Smokers World
Nov 1
Voodoo at Night presents "Down on the Bayou" a benefit for the New Orleans Musicians Clinic featuring John "JoJo" Hermann, Ivan Neville, George Porter Jr., Russell Batiste, Alfred "Uganda" Roberts and Ian Neville

That is going to be one hell of a weekend!!!

The contest starts.....NOW, and will end at Midnight on Wednesday, October 28. We will announce the winner at noon on the 29th!!!!

For any of you Twitter Noobs who aren't to clear on how this works, you can email me (Matt) at for more info.

Good luck and GET TO TWEETIN'!!!